©2020 J. Lee Lehman
Over the last few weeks, I have been putting together notes for my
STA Medical Astrology Masters Course related to epidemics. Naturally, this addresses the current Covid-19 coronavirus. A number of people have been asking me how we can view these outbreaks, and whether the natal chart can be used, or a horary. For an individual, both of these methods are fine for seeing whether the Native will be infected, or at least severely enough to be of concern. But for the epidemic itself, mundane methods must be used. The below is an exceprt from that material, addressing the charts relating to China for the next few years. This is not to condemn China, but since this virus first infected humans in China, the early course of the disease tells us much about how it will continue to thrive - or not. Most of the viral attacks of the past couple of decades have lasted only a year: but several have become regular. So the first question we must address is: will Covid-19 die down in the summer as is typical of virusues that mainly effect the respiratory system, and will it start up again in atse autumn or early winter 2020?
As this is on-going as I write, the facts I am presenting may not
turn out to be entirely accurate. As far as we currently know, the
first cases of this infection occurred in early December 2019 in
Wuhan, China. They were not initially identified as a new strain of
coronavirus, so detection and acknowledgment of the new virus were
slowed by the reluctance of Communist Party officials to admit
anything had occurred.
do not have a patient zero, nor do we have a specific event to mark
the start of this disease.
back to the Cancer Ingress 2019 in Wuhan, we see Neptune conjunct the
Ascendant. This is suggestive that something hidden, mysterious, or
deceptive was happening in Wuhan at the time, but it is impossible to
conclude that this had anything to do with the virus. The Sun was
ruling the 6th, which could mean a focus on disease: but
this is too vague to constitute a warning. The Libra Ingress shows a
focus on disease, the Moon-North Node conjunction in the 6th
and ruling the 6th, with that conjunction opposite
Saturn-Pluto in the 12th. While in the 12th,
dignified Saturn rules the Ascendant. The Sun in the 8th
begins to highlight the possibility of death. Note the Moon was trine
Neptune, which was not such a good ruler for the 6th,
especially with the likelihood expressed with the Node blowing things
out of proportion.
was under the Capricorn Ingress that cases began to accumulate, and
people began to die. The Sun was right on the MC, bringing to light
matters, and focusing attention on Wuhan. The Sun rules the 6th
house cusp. In the list of the pains of the planets, the Sun in
Capricorn equates to the diaphragm, which of course is the muscle
which is at the base of the lungs. Perhaps this is one general
indicator for all the lung disease which tends to occur in the
winter. The conjunction to Jupiter in the sign of his Fall aggravates
and aggrandizes the disease which is brought to light. No longer
would Wuhan’s claim to international fame be based on their tennis
tournament! The Moon was in Fall in Scorpio, at the 8th
house cusp and disposed by Mars in the 8th. Now we see an
unequivocal connection with death. The Ascendant at 29 degrees and so
close to Scheat is no argument of positive outcome. All angles at
29 represent a crisis and a rapidly changing circumstance.

the Aries Ingress for 2020 bring hope? Sadly, no. Neptune conjunct
the MC looks like infection is in the news, so to speak; and it
speaks to continued difficulty of the higher-ups in developing a
coherent policy, just as the position of the Sun in the 10th
house mandates it. Using the system of the pains of the planets,
Jupiter in Capricorn represents the neck, and Jupiter itself rules
the lungs – and Jupiter is in Detriment until December, not to
mention partile conjunct Mars, the planet of acute disease. And let’s
not forget that Jupiter is applying to Pluto.
Moon in Aquarius, peregrine in the 8th house, shows that
eyes are likely to be focused on mortality. Enough said.
cardinal Ascendant to the Aries Ingress indicates that all four
ingresses will be necessary to interpret events for this year: and
undoubtedly, events will be fast-moving, reflecting this situation.
Neptune conjunct the 10th in the Cancer ingress continues
to plague, with Mars joining in as well. Historically, most viruses
which affect the lungs as a primary site tend to abate or even almost
disappear over the summer months. Do we see evidence of that?
of the angular similarity between Spring and Summer, we again see the
signature of Jupiter ruling the 6th – public sickness
and working conditions – only here, Jupiter has passed Pluto, and
is retrograding back to meet it again. Add to this the loaded 12th
house, and I would be doubtful that the virus will disappear,
although we may see the typical summer reduction. Also, since the 6th
rules work, and since General Chairman Xi is unlikely to wish to see
China endure any more economic decline than necessary, I would
surmise that a decrease in obvious disease would mean a significant
upturn in work: which itself could stress the people even more. With
the Moon ruling the Ascendant in a partile square with Mars at the
10th, I think that scenario is hugely likely.
going into detail on the rest of the charts, what we see is actually
a fairly common theme when sequential ingresses are studied: a
recurring theme. In this case, it’s the angularity of Neptune. That
by itself may be a marker for infectious disease, as well as mystery,
deceit, cover-up, and confusion. But of perhaps more concern is that
Wuhan is not the capital of China, and its continued prominence is
symbolically significant. So if we want to see the effects for China,
we should shift to running the charts for Beijing.
this figure I have added the chart for the beginning of Communist
Party rule in China. But as far as the ingress charts are concerned,
the MC/IC angles are a few degrees different between Beijing and
Wuhan, and the Ascendant/Descendant are a little further off,
reflecting the longitude and latitude differences. Notice that the
angle hits are generally closer at Wuhan: except for the current
Capricorn Ingress. I think this is basically showing the delay in the
truth coming to light (Sun conjunct MC) was coming from Beijing. This
also tells us that we can basically pick either site to use for our
addition of the chart for the Communist Party rule also points to one
additional point: that chart is about to have a Jupiter return.
Historically, the Chinese people used the Jupiter cycle in their
calendar, going so far as to attempt to make it precisely twelve
years in length. So I don’t find it surprising that Jupiter rules
two of the angles of this chart. Pluto fell upon the Chinese Jupiter
for the December 2019 Ingress, showing that Pluto concept of being
whacked by something bigger than the usual planning of “business as
usual.” The penchant for economic planning ran into something
entirely different and seemingly out of control. The actual Jupiter
return will occur very close to the Aries Ingress 2020. Clearly, this
is not a trivial time for China. The ruler of the 2nd in
the 10th may be said to indicate that Management is still
seeing this primarily as an economic matter rather than a public
health issue.
we follow these charts through into 2021 and 2022, the Ascendant in
each Aries Ingress is mutable, thereby indicating the need to
interpret both the Aries and the Libra Ingresses. The Aries Ingress
continues the angular Neptune pattern. With Saturn now in Aquarius
and ruling the 6th from its 12th (i.e., the
radical 5th), we are starting to see that the epidemic
pattern has not broken down. In addition to having Neptune conjunct
the Portals of Death, Jupiter, ruling that 7th house cusp,
is conjunct the Jupiter-Saturn position for the Black Plague.
Mercury, ruling the king is in the 6th, and strongly
debilitated, showing that either disease is rampant, or alternately,
working conditions are suspect.
yet – the ruler of the 2nd house is exalted – but
combust. The mixed signals may in part be explained by suggesting
that the economy is improving: and honestly, after 2020 and the
current situation, if the health status allows work to occur, one
would expect a considerable up-turn, as often happens after a
disaster which requires rebuilding. The combustion of Venus says to
me that there is still exhaustion and debris left in China’s
financial state at this time. It’s like the Dementors sucked almost
all the life out – but an exalted Venus still has a ray of hope.
if we are seeing a possible disease configuration, what we absolutely
cannot say is that it is the same virus. It is not uncommon for
viruses to mutate, as the flu virus does just about every year. So if
we presume that there will be a vaccine for Covid-19 in 2020, that’s
no guarantee that this work wouldn’t have to be repeated in 2021.
The September Ingress shows Jupiter conjunct the 7th cusp,
but not so strongly, but that Jupiter does rule the 8th.
The Moon is square Jupiter in the Communist Party chart, but the
Ascendant ruler Sun is in the 2nd, showing that the
country’s finances are a big focus at this time, while the 10th
house ruler is in the 3rd – focusing on domestic
transport, or other third house matters. While this may not be as bad
as 2020, I cannot say that this looks like a chart that breaks the
pattern. There is at least the residual of disease showing (and
possibly more active than that), and at least an attempt to alleviate
economic damage.

there is a viral disease beyond flu at this time, the March 2022
Aries Ingress could be showing a radical change in pattern, with
Uranus conjunct the 6th house cusp and Venus, the 6th
house ruler, besieged between Mars and Saturn, although perhaps we
might alternately say that Venus is contained! This besiegement may
be reduced in malignity by the fact that Saturn receives Venus, but
it will still represent difficulty. Jupiter, ruling the Ascendant and
7th is now highly dignified in Pisces, showing that the
economy is bouncing back. This would be a hard thing if the country
were in a disease lock-down. Here, we also see that Mercury ruling
the 10th, with such debility, is being received by that
Saturn: these two receptions with dignified superiors are to planets
with high essential dignity, and the Mercury-Jupiter one has the
added strength of angularity. The only problem here: Mercury is
ruling the 8th, and applying to the ruler of the 1st:
Death is asking Life for a favor – something which seldom works out
well for Life. And this conjunction is taking place in the 4th
– the land, but also the grave.
unfortunately while the economy seems to be rebounding the Lord of
Death is still very active.
Libra Ingress for 2022 had Mars, ruler of the 1st and 6th
in the 8th. The emphasis on Mars would suggest fevers as
the primary health issue, but in cold damp Cancer, there’s still a
damp influence going into the winter infection season.
pattern finally breaks up starting in 2023. Here, you see much more
of a focus around the 1st and 2nd: looking like
China had really gotten back to work at this time. The Moon, ruler of
the 6th, is in the 1st applying to Neptune,
which suggests to me that things are not quite back to normal. Death
(Venus, ruler of the 8th house) is not applying to Life
(Jupiter, ruler of the 1st), but there may be some 6th
house issues here of residual weakness. By 2024, the 2nd
and the 10th show that the health theme is completely
So this is a summary of some of the mundane effects relating to China. To see the effects in other arts of the world, it would be necessary to examine these same charts relocated to other world capitals.